Development of African bovine pluripotent stem cell resources Theme Climate and resource use Livelihoods and economic growth
Commercialization of biofermentation technology to upgrade nutritional quality of crop residues Theme Livelihoods and economic growth
Inclusive red meat value chains for women and youth in Eastern and Southern Africa K’Lusa Theme Livelihoods and economic growth
Livestock farmer groups for innovation uptake, market access and policy influence in Mai Son District, Son La Province, Vietnam Theme Livelihoods and economic growth
Transforming livestock vaccine delivery to reach, benefit and empower women farmers in Bawku West and Pusiga districts, Ghana Theme Livelihoods and economic growth Vaccines and diagnostics
Empowering CAADP progress: Leveraging livestock master plans for enhanced agricultural development Theme Livelihoods and economic growth
Hygiene and biosecurity practices among traditional poultry farms for the control of zoonotic diseases in rural areas of the Centre-Nord region of Burkina Faso Theme Animal health and animal welfare Food and nutrition security Herd Health Livelihoods and economic growth One Health Vaccines and diagnostics Region Burkina Faso
Household food security and poultry disease control in rural Burkina Faso: understanding and strengthening Newcastle disease vaccine supply chains Theme Animal health and animal welfare Food and nutrition security Herd Health Livelihoods and economic growth Vaccines and diagnostics Region Burkina Faso