Household food security and poultry disease control in rural Burkina Faso: understanding and strengthening Newcastle disease vaccine supply chains Theme Animal health and animal welfare Food and nutrition security Herd Health Livelihoods and economic growth Vaccines and diagnostics Region Burkina Faso
Identification of virulence factors as novel vaccine targets for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia by whole genome saturated mutagenesis Theme Vaccines and diagnostics
Clinical trials to develop a subunit vaccine for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia in Kenya Theme Vaccines and diagnostics
Discovery of antigen-specific bovine antibodies using High throughput genomic technologies Theme Vaccines and diagnostics
USAID: Engineering of Theileria parva using CRISPR Cas9 for an improved live vaccine without use of antibiotics Theme Vaccines and diagnostics
IDRC: Engineering of African swine fever virus using synthetic biology to accelerate vaccine development Theme Vaccines and diagnostics
EU: Understanding pathogen, livestock, environment interactions involving bluetongue virus (BTV) Theme Vaccines and diagnostics