USAID - T. parva sporozoite subunit vaccine Theme Vaccines and diagnostics Region Africa East Africa Kenya
IVVN - ASFV antigen screening using a DNA plasmid library Theme Vaccines and diagnostics Region Africa East Africa Kenya Sector Academia/research Donors
Online school for field researchers - ECo-PPR training videos Theme Animal health and animal welfare Region Africa East Africa Ethiopia Kenya Tanzania Burkina Faso Mali Senegal Sector Academia/research
A long, dry season of COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa? The environmental impacts of the pandemic in the livestock sector in Northern Kenya Theme Climate and resource use Region Africa East Africa Kenya Sector Academia/research
KukuNyumbani: commercial smallholder poultry farming beyond subsistence Theme Livelihoods and economic growth Region Africa East Africa Kenya Sector Private Sector Social movements and CBOs
Effects of COVID-19 on food security and nutrition in northern Kenya Theme Food and nutrition security Region Africa East Africa Kenya Sector Inter–governmental and multi-lateral institutions Public Sector
The fiscal impact of COVID-19 on county finances: Case of five counties in northern Kenya Theme Livelihoods and economic growth Region Africa East Africa Kenya Sector Inter–governmental and multi-lateral institutions Public Sector
MENTORING OF LOCAL SERVICE PROVIDERS TO SUSTAIN ANIMAL HEALTH AND WELFARE A Case Of Brooke Animal Health Mentoring Framework Theme Animal health and animal welfare Region East Africa Kenya Sector NGOs
Re-purposing labs at the International Livestock Research Institute to support national COVID-19 testing in Kenya Theme Animal health and animal welfare Region Africa East Africa Kenya Sector Academia/research