11. Training and certification scheme for small-scale feed producers in Uganda Region East Africa Uganda
10. Integration of a gross margin calculator solution in the Uganda pig value chain project Region East Africa Uganda
9. Multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs) as catalysts for smallholder pig value chain development in Uganda Region East Africa Uganda
8. Strengthening entrepreneurial and business capacities of women and youth-led businesses in the pig value in Uganda Region East Africa Uganda
7. Market Systems Development interventions in the pig value chain in Uganda Region East Africa Uganda
6. Testing and promoting improved forages for pigs on smallholder farms in Uganda Region East Africa Uganda
5. Supporting adaptation/adoption of the FeedCalculator App for feed formulation along the Pig Value Chain in Uganda Region East Africa Uganda
3. Heat stress: Policy recommendations and engagements for Uganda pig value chains Theme Climate and resource use Region East Africa Uganda
2. Quantification of environmental footprints of different pig production systems and how they are likely to change due to the MorePork intervention packages in Uganda Theme Climate and resource use Region East Africa Uganda