- The novelty of this feed database is the provision of metadata such as collection site, agroecological zone, fertilization, irrigation, and plant stage together with nutritional quality and productivity for forage and feed materials.
- This will enable linking nutritional quality with management to make targeted recommendations suitable for different regions and climates to inform on better feeding options for farmers using locally available resources.
- The audience are livestock keepers, land managers, nutritionists, researchers, modelers, and decision makers
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Does the user interface cater for use by such a wide range of intended users? How do you intend to disseminate the database and get users engaged with it?
- What makes this database different from other sources such as ILRI?
Who manages this database? Are others able to contribute data? How will the database be updated?
Who will be managing of this database in the long run?
Does this database include grasslands, shrublands, silvopastoral systems?
What information will database include?
Should high-frequency data be collected on feeds and forages specifically from the drylands, can such information/data get fed into this data base? This could be an area of collaboration, of understanding the kind of information/data one would want and based on that we could be providing such data from our sentinel sites.
Its not clear why 'soil modelling' is included in the title, as the poster does not mention this aspect. The relative importance of forage quality parameters between management and region may need to be clarified.
What geographic areas will database cover?
Is the soil data not from blanket data?
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